People from EarlyBird, SoapBox Labs, and MDRC pose on steps at the MDRC roundtable gathering.

What if assessments could equitably and reliably capture information about children’s needs, competencies, progress, and classroom experiences in pre-K while reducing teacher burden tied to reporting?

It could allow teachers to better understand the children in their classroom and provide instruction tailored to their needs while reducing time spent completing paperwork. 

We are proud to be a part of MDRC’s Measures for Early Success Initiative aimed at spurring the development of innovative assessment tools that are equity-centered, scalable, comprehensive, and psychometrically sound.

Thanks to an award from the Measures for Early Success Initiative, led by MDRC with funding support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EarlyBird recently brought together 24 leaders in the field of bilingual assessment for a day-long roundtable discussion to rethink assessment for Spanish-speaking English learners. 

The goal is to design and build a groundbreaking, equitable early literacy assessment. Researchers (led by Drs. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan and Eric Tridas), national leaders in bilingual resources such as Colorín Colorado, school leaders, policy experts from EdSolutions and MDRC, international leaders in Spanish assessment, and EarlyBird and SoapBox Labs staff engaged in a robust exchange of ideas and perspectives. 

Stay tuned for more to come as we embark upon developing a groundbreaking bilingual literacy assessment!

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