Mother and Child Reading
Young student writing

EarlyBird Education

Taking the Lead in Building a Research-Based Approach to Bilingual Early Literacy Assessment
Child with tablet
Child with tablet
MDRC Roundtable

EarlyBird and English Learners

EarlyBird, an early literacy assessment rooted in evidence and equity, is expanding our platform with a ground-breaking approach to bilingual assessment. Many schools already use EarlyBird with their English Learners using this guidance for administration.

MDRC Bilingual Project

EarlyBird Education, with partner SoapBox Labs, secured funding through the Measures for Early Success Initiative (MDRC) to reimagine assessment for our youngest learners.

The goal of this project is to design and build a groundbreaking, equitable early literacy assessment for Spanish-speaking English Learners (ELs) that captures multilingual children’s distributed skills across English and Spanish; produces reliable, comparable skill estimates across multilingual and monolingual children; and is actionable, guiding teachers to targeted instruction.

The project is led by MDRC as part of their Measures for Early Success Initiative. Our work is guided by the Initiative’s User-Informed Principles: Developing Assessments for All Early Learners.

User Informed Principles
Colorado Website Resources

The Roundtable

In May, 2023, EarlyBird, with partner SoapBox Labs, convened a group of 24 global leaders to Boston. The group included a range of stakeholders representing diverse user perspectives, on-the-ground experience, and bilingual learning expertise. The purpose of the Roundtable was to deeply explore the problem to be solved and identify must-have elements of a potential bilingual assessment.

Helpful Resources
  • White Paper – “Bilingual Spanish English Learners: Research Foundation for an Early Identification Assessment” white paper by Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan and Dr. Eric Tridas.


  • Roundtable Report – Building a Research-Based Approach to Bilingual Early Literacy Assessment – Roundtable Report, June 2023.


  • Website – 2023 ELL Roundtable Resources from roundtable participant, Colorín Colorado.

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  • Journal Article (study uses EarlyBird with ELs) — “English Learner’s Performance on a Measure of Dyslexia Risk” by Laura V. Rhinehart and Rebecca J. M. Gotlieb, July 2023

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