Early Literacy Screening

On average, a special education referral cost $12,624 per student. About 33% of those referrals are for a “specific learning disability”, which affects a child’s ability to read, write, listen, speak, reason, or do math.  This includes dyslexia.

Dyslexia. Delayed identification is expensive in many ways.

All too often, dyslexia risk detection doesn’t occur until the 3rd grade. Unfortunately, interventions at this time can require four-times as long to see gains compared to those that occur earlier. And maybe even, four-times the special education expense.  

What if we could proactively identify at-risk students – in Kindergarten and 1st grade – when instruction has the greatest, and quickest, impact?

A breakthrough transforms what if into why wait?

EarlyBird is unique because it can be used before children are reading. This leap allows for early intervention that brings a host of benefits, including:

  • remediate skill deficits  
  • bringing 56-92% of students to grade-level reading
  • the potential to avoid the special education pathway 

Developed at Boston Children’s Hospital, in partnership with Florida Center for Reading Research, EarlyBird is proven and comprehensive. The screener assesses all the critical areas of reading and language development. Assessments that, until now, required a special education referral. 

EarlyBird offers teachers real-time data, paired with next steps resources, so students get the remediation they need to become successful readers — without special education referrals or resources.  A win-win for everyone. Most especially, students and their teachers.

Get in touch for more information about EarlyBird today!